Do you want to be FREE and not let your fear hold you back anymore?
Do you want to have more energy and freedom so you can live your life and not be held back by your health?
Do you want to not feel ashamed and embarrassed about how you look and instead have self-confidence and love who you see in the mirror?
Worried about if you are going to fit into an airplane seat, into a chair, if people are staring at you, etc?
Tired of one-size-fits-all approaches to dieting?
Drained from toxic relationships or overwhelmed by stress at work?
Ready to accomplish your goals in a way that’s empowering and exciting but at a pace you are comfortable with?
Ready to get healthy without starving yourself, without feeling deprived, and without drugs or shakes?
Ready to create a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain?
I was once 358 lbs and morbidly obese.
Even though I've lost over 50% of my body weight (185 lbs) naturally (no surgery, no deprivation, no starvation, no weight loss gimmicks), I still remember how I felt at my heaviest.
I know what it is like to be in such pain and worry from obesity. I know how it is much easier to stay stuck than to change.
I know what it is like when fear holds you back.
I know how overwhelming it can be to start when you have so many changes you need to make.
I'm here to tell you that it will be worth it!
Click on the video to the right to watch the first video I made on my weight loss journey!
I was down 53.2 lbs and my mindset had completely changed in just 3 months from not believing in myself to believing I could accomplish my goals.
Prepare to be motivated!
A certified Health Coach is a guide and mentor who empowers you and provides ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.
The American Medical Association (AMA) now recommends that doctors use the services of Health Coaches!
"Health coaching is a collaborative approach to care that informs, engages and activates patients to take a prominent role in managing their health. By bridging the gap between the physician and patient, health coaches can help practices improve patient engagement in their care, leading to healthier patients with better outcomes.” (AMA)
1. I don't worry if people are staring at me or if I won't fit in a seat. I hold my head high as I walk down the street and am proud of my accomplishments and my new healthy lifestyle. I don't feel uncomfortable in my body anymore!
2. I am no longer held back by my health so I am able to actually live my life again. I have more energy. I don't feel bloated and I have better digestion. I am able to be more active, travel, socialize with friends and family without feeling embarrassed, ashamed, or like a failure, and much more. I don't dread going to the doctor to get my blood test results, blood pressure taken, or get weighed. Instead, I enjoy going to the doctor to show him/her how healthy I am now!
3. Many if not all of my health issues were resolved: Excessive sweating, joint pain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid reflux, eczema, and much more.
4. Most importantly, I learned to love myself unconditionally. I can teach you how to do this for yourself! This simply means loving yourself no matter what instead of beating yourself up for your mistakes. When you give yourself compassion just like you would a loved one or pet, your life begins to change. My self-confidence has grown. I am proud of my accomplishments. I became empowered. When you take your power back and make changes for yourself, your world changes. New doors have opened for me and I am free to live my life as I had always dreamed of! Nothing can hold me back from achieving my goals!
5. I became unstoppable when I realized that my fear can no longer hold me back! I am able to do things I never thought I could do. What have you always wanted to do? Run a 5K? Half-marathon? Hike a mountain? Zip line? Travel? Anything is possible! The sky is the limit!
6. With my health in order, I am able to get more out of my life and give more to those I love which has enriched my relationships.
7. I have lost the weight and will keep it off as a by product of my healthy lifestyle changes! When you lose weight, your confidence increases. I am able to fit into clothes I never thought I'd be able to. I have more energy. I am more active. I no longer cancel plans because I have nothing to wear or am embarrassed for others to see me so unhealthy. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments. My joint pain and other aches are gone. I no longer sweat excessively and am no longer out of breath when barely doing any activity. I no longer feel like a failure. I realize that I am and always have been a WINNER! I feel STRONG inside and out. I feel so proud of my new body! You can too!

When your health no longer holds you back, you will be FREE!!
Ask yourself what you are getting out of staying stuck and staying unhealthy. What are the benefits? If you think you can't change, it will be too hard, it will be too expensive, you will feel deprived, healthy food tastes gross, etc, I'm here to tell you that those are excuses and lies you are telling yourself. You CAN do it and it won't be too hard. It will be cheaper than all of the fast food/restaurant/processed foods you are currently eating. I will give you simple and quick recipes to show you that healthy food is so delicious and easy to make! Once you discover this, you will never go back to eating junk. You are what you eat!
Your health is WORTH the investment! YOU are worth the investment.
This is your life we are talking about!
You are perfect just as you are. You are enough. You can do this.
Life is short! I urge you not to waste another minute staying stuck! Make a commitment to yourself to start making small gradual changes that will improve your health.
I am here to hold your hand as we take baby steps toward lifestyle changes so you can get your life back and feel amazing in your body! When you take small steps towards change, it is not as overwhelming and it is easier to create healthy habits.
As your Health Coach, I will listen carefully and we’ll navigate the world of contradictory nutrition and health advice together to explore what truly works for you.
Vegan, vegetarian, or gluten free?
No worries! I specialize in vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free lifestyle changes.

I'm here to help you feel:
Supported and Loved. I will give you the support and guidance you need to stop the cycle of dieting and create a maintainable healthy lifestyle so you can lose the weight and keep it off.
Respected. I will hold you accountable for your actions but will not judge you. I will offer compassion and love as we begin to change your life together.
Excited and Powerful. As we work together, you will feel excited and powerful once you realize you do have the ability to change your life with small changes and not drastic changes.
Committed and Focused. As we work together to make small lifestyle changes, you will start to improvements in your health. You will feel empowered by these changes that YOU have made. You will become even more committed to yourself and will increase your focus to meet your goals.
Happy and Free. Weight loss is a by product of creating healthy habits. I will help you commit to small lifestyle changes. I will teach you how to commit to yourself and how to not let fear hold you back. When you are no longer held back by yourself or your fears, you will be able to live the life you always dreamed of. You will feel happy and free!
What are you waiting for?
Schedule your FREE Transformation Discovery consultation today!
Healthy Lifestyle Transformation Program
This program is the right fit for you if:
- You want someone to hold you accountable and give you full support.
- Are not sure where to start.
- Need help committing to your goals.
- Are not sure why you are stuck or why you are in a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting.
- Want a customized program to help you lose the weight and keep it off including help with emotional eating or binge eating.
- Are confused by all of the information out there on weight loss and are not sure what to believe.
I can help you figure out why you are stuck and how to get unstuck! I will be there for you and show you that you have the power to transform your life one baby step at a time!
What You Get:
- 3 month minimum
- Connect the dots between who you are and who you want to be
- Create your personal blueprint
- Decipher your body’s unique needs
- Set your personal goals and work towards sustainable change
- During our initial video session/call (which will last 1.5 hours), we will get you started on your transformation!
- Then, for the next 12 weeks, we will alternate each week with a 40 minute video call and then a 30 minute video call the next week (total of 6 40-minute video calls and 6 30-minute calls in the 12 weeks).
- Handouts specific to your needs and goals, simple healthy recipes, cooking tips
- Access to client portal where you can send me messages, set tasks/goals, view documents, write entries in a food and mood journal and/or lifestyle journal, track your progress, view appointments, get additional support and motivation from me in between our sessions, and much more!
- Access to my Unlock the Thinner & Healthier You online video course. This course consists of 17 videos covering the topics mentioned below with associated homework so you can implement what you learn.
- Phoenix area only: Grocery shopping trip available where I will show you how to choose the tastiest and most nutritious items in the store while still staying within your budget.
What Topics We Will Cover (Time Permitting):
- Set Small and Attainable Goals
- You will learn how to set small and attainable goals so you can set yourself up for success.
- How to Motivate Yourself
- You will learn how to motivate yourself when you feel like quitting.
- How to Commit
- You will learn how to commit to yourself and the importance of keeping promises to yourself. You will learn how to rebuild your relationship with yourself so you can repair your self-love, self-trust, and belief in yourself!
- Make Yourself Your Number 1 Priority & Hold Yourself Accountable
- You will learn how to make time for yourself!
- You will become your own cheerleader which will help you reach your goals and accomplish more than you can ever imagine!
- Stop Sabotaging Yourself
- You will learn how to end the vicious cycle of self-sabotage and how to change your negative thoughts into positive ones so you can succeed with your health goals!
- Learn How to Make Smarter Food Choices
- You will learn how to read labels so you can make smarter food choices for yourself and your family!
- Healthy Substitutes
- You will learn the importance of healthy substitutes as well as how to create healthy substitutes for your favorite comfort foods!
- Change Your Relationship with Food
- You will learn how looking at food as good or bad can sabotage your efforts. Jennifer also discusses how to change your relationship with food so you can succeed with your health goals!
- Exercise
- You will learn the importance of adding exercise to your life. Jennifer also discusses the importance of strength training, cardio, and stretching.
- Food Tracking
- You will learn the how to get the most out of food tracking and it's about much more than just calories! Not all calories are created equal. Food tracking will help you reach your goals quicker and teach you how to eat in a balanced way.
- Healthy Eating on the Go and Smoothies
- You will learn how to succeed with your health goals even when on the go! Jennifer also discusses the importance of delicious smoothies.
- Manage Cravings
- You will learn how to manage your cravings so they don't derail your progress!
- Manage Emotional/Binge Eating
- You will learn how to finally get control of your emotional and/or binge eating!
- Meal/Menu Planning, Healthy Cooking, and Natural Sweeteners
- You will learn the importance of meal/menu planning, healthy cooking, and natural sweeteners!
What are you waiting for?
Schedule your FREE Transformation Discovery Consultation today!